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Planning Board Minutes 03/24/2014
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
March 24, 2014

Members present:  RMarshall, JFletcher, PRenaud, KO’Connell, SFox, SChicoine
7:00 p.m. Opening Meeting
PRenaud began reading the March 10, 2014 meeting minutes. Several spelling, punctuation and replacement of words were done.  No substantive changes were made.

RMarshall welcomed newly elected Sherry Fox to the Planning Board.  

RMarshall proceeded to review of the town vote on the industrial overlay regulation which passed and what language we need to discuss for the regulation.  The Heritage District failed and we’ll put that on the back burner for now.  RMarshall said he will be reaching out to residents to see what direction they want to take on the village.  

Goal setting for 2014:   
Master Plan completion of chapters:
This past year we worked on the Master Plan and completed 2 chapters.  We have the $3500 remaining in our budget. RMarshall will be meeting with the Select Board next month and let them know where we are on this Master Plan and what we hope to achieve for next year.  We need to decide what chapters to work on

EDAC chapter:  PRenaud has a lot of ideas about this chapter and would hope to include a broadband plan.  RMarshall feels the EDAC chapter should have information that has been gathered to include what our assets are, what our economic development plan is, and what our strengths are in terms of skill base in community. PRenaud knows there is a big demand for elderly housing, but with economic development, we need the younger people to bring the revenue into the town. RMarshall feels these items should be addressed in that chapter. It was agreed that this was one chapter that we should include this year.

Heritage District:
JFletcher suggested that we should modify the heritage district: keep the language of the ordinance as is, but put it on a voluntary basis.  We need to define our standards for review, have a committee in place, but make it strictly voluntary. KO’Connell said we need to focus more on “carrot” and not “stick. PRenaud feels that this heritage district shouldn’t be enforced in a roundabout way via a backdoor.  He feels that the people have spoken and this defeat was a town wide defeat.  He feels that the site plan review process and the ordinances already in place give us protection and we don’t need any voluntary mechanism.   KO’Connell said I do not appreciate the term of “back door” as it is inflammatory.  PRenaud said “I still maintain that we really didn’t have a mandate to do this.  There wasn’t a preponderance of comment to protect the village in our survey.”

Review of  Zoning Ordinances: JFletcher said we need to go through the zoning ordinances and see what we could eliminate or clarify.  PRenaud agreed with JFletcher and feels that review of the zoning ordinance should be done on a yearly basis. PRenaud feels we need to review the Open Space Ordinance

How to improve communication to the town.

Charrette in September.  RMarshall said it be held around the last week in September.  
RMarshall said he is in communication with the planner in Milford to assist with grant writing and he is waiting for her response.

RMarshall said we will be having conversations about how we will move forward with these six goals. PRenaud asked that the goals be read again to the board.  SRossi complied.

KO’Connell said  a couple of years ago we changed the zoning to include home based businesses, and we have no idea of how many, what kind, etc.  We should identify these businesses and build a network.  It is legal and legitimate to have a home based business in Greenfield.  RMarshall started a data base several years ago, based on the back page of the Spirit, listing 20-30 home-based businesses and is willing to share this information with anyone who would like to work on this project.

Housekeeping Items:
RMarshall apologized for the mistake he made on the Hopkins notification.  The corrected notice will be in the March 25 issue of the Monadnock Ledger.  He advised JHopkins and that the meeting was moved to April 14, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.  Also he has scheduled Greenfield Congregational Covenant Design Review for 8:30 on the same night.

RMarshall then asked the Board to look at the e-mail from CShaw asking how we would like the Industrial Zone amendment worded. After discussion, the board recommended the following language be used:  

“On the west sided of Route 31, the industrial zone encompasses the properties identified as lots #26, #27, #28 and #29 on Tax Map sheet R1. Further, on the east side Route 31, the industrial zone encompasses the properties identified as lots #15-3 and #15-4 on Tax Map sheet R2 to a line 300’ west of CM road. All access to these lots (#15-3 and #15-4) shall be from NH Route 31, Sawmill Road”.

JFletcher motioned to accept the change.  KO’Connell seconded.  Vote unanimous.

RMarshall advised the Planning Board  about a typographical error in the Site Plan Review regulation on page 2 Section  V Procedure #1:  in the old site plan review the Section was IV, and it should have been Section III, paragraph B. PRenaud suggested adding paragraph A as well. All members agreed.

On another issue, RMarshall said, “There is no demolition language in the site plan review.  Is this an item that should be included?”  PRenaud said there are no standards definitions in the site review.  He said two that are missing and might be considered are language about scale and characteristics.  

SFox said “It still goes back to the negativity behind the heritage district. If you have a dilapidated building and it has safety issues, it should come down.  But it someone owns a building, if they want to take it down they should be able to do it.”

RMarshall said he has always been bothered by the word “aesthetic” in the Site Plan Review language, as it has a different meaning for everyone. If we have a standard that clearly says what we mean, then it will be clear to all and less subject to interpretation.  PRenaud said he is concerned about having unnecessary regulations, and doesn’t want to make it more difficult by telling homeowners what they can or can’t do.  

RMarshall said at the next meeting we have JHopkins and Greenfield Congregational Covenant Church coming in and we are going to be busy.  Also, at the April 28th meeting, Sawmill Estates deliberations tentatively will resume. Items still to be answered include:  bonding, final work on plats, and language in homeowners agreement that has to be reviewed by legal, and trying to tie up any other loose ends.  

KO’Connell motioned to move Memorial Day meeting (5/26) to the week before (5/19). JFletcher seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.  We will be sure to notice the change.

Election of Officers:
KO’Connell nominated RMarshall to Chair.  JFletcher seconded.  RMarshall noted that he will serve for one more year and would like to step down and let someone else chair next year.  Vote unanimous.

RMarshall nominated  JFletcher to Vice Chair. PRenaud seconded.  No discussion ensued.  Vote 4 yes:  SChicoine, KO’Connell, PRenaud, and SFox and 1 no: JFletcher. Vote carried in the affirmative.

PRenaud nominated KO’Connell to Secretary. KO’Connell declined.  KO’Connell nominated SChicoine to Secretary. He declined.  RMarshall explained the duties of the Secretary. SFox said that she wouldn’t mind serving in the Secretary position.

PRenaud nominated SFox as Secretary. JFletcher seconded. Vote unanimous in favor.

RMarshall said he will be soliciting for alternates.
KO’Connell motioned to adjourn. PRenaud seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

Mail Received:
·       Returned certified for JHopkins Site Plan Review for April 14, 2014
·       Invoice from Upton & Hatfield totaling $546.00 for legal services for the Planning Board
·       Newspaper notice for Town of Greenfield: JHopkins with incorrect date
·       Copy of corrected public notice for JHopkins dated for 4/14/2014
·       Greenfield Congregational Church Tax Page
·       New updated list of the Town of Greenfield personnel
·       Memo from CDFA advising of CDBG planning grant fund application
·       Current list of town officials & committees 2014